It's A Clue

Episode 67: Nancy Drew & A Killer Robot

Kelly & Karen Season 4 Episode 67

In the our kickoff of Season 4, we delve into Nancy Drew & the Crooked Banister! Kelly wants a robot that will rub her back. Karen wants a robot that provides a “spontaneous bring”. We are both big Robby the Robot fans, we loved the cool clues but hated they went nowhere, and we love a flaming moat but hate a loose birch tree bridge. Also - Rawley totally faked his own death right?

Rated 9.25 out of 12 poisonous paintings


  • Here One Moment, by Lianne Moriarty
  • Vanishing in the Haight, by Max Tomlinson
  • Dead Wake, by Erik Larson
  • Anxious People, by Fredrik Backman
Discount Storytime

Proud winner of the Nobel "I Tried" Ribbon in Literature.

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