It's A Clue

Episode 55: Nancy Drew & A Healthy Fear of Electricity

Kelly & Karen Season 3 Episode 55

In Episode 55, we discuss Nancy Drew & The Clue of the Dancing Puppet. First though, Kelly tells us about The Soupening, Karen is in “snuggalump mode”, and we get to see each other this week IRL! Tammy puts the A in “Amateur” but needed more villainous agency, Nancy receives a gratuitous number of head injuries, and some California-based slippery operators slap a giant puppet on a non-existent problem, which seems like a bad idea. In other news, we left in some outtakes, Kelly references a ridiculous number of movies and musicals, and Karen hates a cute little bait-and-switch ghost. Be sure to help us decide if it was it a police electrician or an electrician for the police.

Rated 9.5 out of 12 Falling Cannonballs


Sisters of the Lost Marsh, by Lucy Strange

One of the Good Guys, by Araminta Hall (out in 2024)

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Proud winner of the Nobel "I Tried" Ribbon in Literature.

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