It's A Clue

Episode 53: Nancy Drew & the Vacation Boyfriends

Season 3 Episode 53

Let's go to Adult Summer Camp & investigate "The Clue in the Old Stagecoach" with the Clue Crew! Karen wants to know which side of the tree lichen grows on, and Kelly wants to flirt around a campfire in a uniform. Then on to one of our favorite light-hearted, laugh-out-loud funny capers yet! Nancy solves the mystery of Sally the Bear, the gals are hilarious water ballet-ers, Rick demonstrates Kenergy, and we get a valuable PSA about the importance of dead tree removal. Don't forget to Googer geigle counters. 

Rated 11.75 out of 12 Hand-Knitted Sweaters

- The September House by Carissa Orlando
- Holly by Stephen King
- The Brothers Hawthorne by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Discount Storytime

Proud winner of the Nobel "I Tried" Ribbon in Literature.

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